Shu-Chuan (Bella) Chen graduated from National Taiwan Normal University majoring in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign/ Second Language. Before coming to UCSB, she taught Chinese at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah and Mandarin Training Center in Taipei, as well as tutored business professionals in Chinese for their specialized fields. She also contributed to Taipei European School for curriculum development and teacher training. Bella Chen is a specialist of Chinese linguistics and language pedagogy. She has completed a variety of publications and is currently working on Chinese language projects.
Selected Articles:
- “Curriculum for Chinese courses in Santa Barbara” A Journal of the Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, Vol. 1 June 2009.
- “Beyond Conversational Skills: Reading from Outside Resources for 1st Year Heritage Students.” Annual Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Hualian, Taiwan, November 2008
- “Task-base Chinese Material Analysis: A Case Study of Mandarin Training for Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” American Association for Chinese Studies 48th Annual Conference at UC Riverside, October 2006
- “Mission-Oriented Chinese Language Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of Mandarin Training for Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” The 5th Inernational Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy in Shanghai, China, August 2006
- Illustrated Chinese English Dictionary, LiveABC Interactive Corporation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009 Live Interactive Chinese monthy magazine, LiveABC Interactive Corposation, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007-2008 Volume 5-10 (co-editor)
Courses Taught:
- Chinese Language 1-3 (1-2-3, 1NH-2NH-3NH)
- Chinese Reading and Writing 103
- Chinese Conversational Series (Chinese 8A)